Monday, December 31, 2007

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Atomic Blogging

Marketing a Blog With No Money

Marketing a Blog With No Money
By Qurratulain Akhtar

In the contemporary times where blogging has become an industry a standalone blog is nothing and you cannot get any benefit out of it until people come to you. Whether you’re a part time blogger and sharing your personal experience for entertainment or for personal satisfaction purpose, a professional blogger aiming to earn revenues out of your blog by monetizing it or your blog is supporting your website and fetching traffic for it, you must need visitors and no one will know you until you tell them. This is what we call blog marketing. Efficient marketing needs finances and funds, but what if you don’t have such? Should you stop the marketing plan and wait for funds? Absolutely no! It’s time for you to start marketing your blog with zero funds. This needs only few things to do. Though it’s a bit time consuming but a very reliable and economical method of marketing. The things you need to do are as follows:

  1. Visit the blogs related to your blog and place a suitable comment there. Do not forget to mentioned your blog in the website field.
  2. Join Social bookmarking sites.
  3. Submit your blog to some free Blog Resource Directories
  4. Join forums, participate actively there using your signature for linking your blog.
  5. Submit articles to the ezines getting a linkback.
  6. Have a review exchange with another blogger with. If the post is permanent that’s more than good.
  7. Place the link of your blog on other sites of yours. Sometime other sites may be irrelevant, so be a bit tricky here.
These are the basic steps to promote your blog. You can make your blog more visible if you’ve enough finances, but till the tie you don’t have any, do not waste your time and let your blog grow from the day first. Even if you’ve enough finances to promote the blog, do try these tips, they’ll help your blog outgrow to a greater extent on one hand and will save your cost on other.

10 Steps to New Blog Success

10 Steps to New Blog Success
By Uttoran Sen

1) Start a blog on your favorite topic, else you will always run out of content. 2) First write down 10 blog posts off-line and see how you are doing. If you find difficulty to write enough content on that topic, then try to write on some other topic. The best think to do is, first read some blogs on that particular topic. Do some research, search for blogs on that topic and see what others are doing. Then don't just copy other blogs, but understand that topic properly. After that you will find it easy to write more on that particular topic.

3) Choose a blogging platform. For blogs I always prefer wordpress, a self-hosted wordpress is the best option for blogging. This is a blog running on wordpress.

4) Don't start a blog with one or two entries. At-least make 10 posts on the blog's launch day. A blog with some decent content always makes a good impression. If you do this, then you will have nice readers from the first day of the launch.

5) Content is king, so make nice content. Check for grammatical and spellings errors off line, before publishing the blog. Good content brings natural links, so it is always advised to write properly. If you are not good at writing, then hire a writer. Pay someone who writes well.

6) The next step is to add the feeds. Check out feed burner and get your feeds running. You can see on the left sidebars, I have the feed subscription buttons placed there.

7) Try the blog top sites. This is a good way to show the world how popular your blog is. This also brings some traffic. Check out my blogs ranks on the top sites, the ranks are visible on the sidebar.

8) Promote your blog with the power of social bookmarking. To start with, join technorati, it's a blog search engine, and it is huge. Then try it is another social bookmarking website which gives a lot of traffic. There are a few more like this, digg, stumbleupon, reddit etc, I will make another post for this topic, let's not get too deep into this here.

9) Frequently visit blogs of your niche, even subscribe to it. When ever you see a new post, read it properly and give a good comment on it. Don't post spam comments; make a nice comment that gets accepted. Some blogs are no-follow and some are not. But remember the no-follow is only for Google and there is msn and yahoo also for the search. This step can help you get a lot of targeted readers apart from the link popularity. You can even give blogroll links to a few of the good blogs that you regularly visit.

10) Try to post regularly, if you don't post for sometime long, then you will lose a lot of subscription and regular readers. Blogging is a passion, don't just blog for the shake of it.

The Art Of Blogging

The Art of Blogging
By Brinsley May

Blogging first originated in the 1990's where it provided a very useful medium for people to add a comment to a subject or product. Since then it has expanded and evolved enormously into a community where whole blogs are created for one item with running pages of commentary. This has been great for the marketing industry that have utilised this tool to best effect by advertising their products through this open window of opportunity to get their products noticed. The potential for this free online advertising is just being realised and many businesses have yet to catch on.

So why should you start a blog for your business and how can it improve sales?

Firstly, let me say this is by far the easiest way for getting your products and services on the net. If you have a computer and can point and click you can start advertising yourself, business and its benefits as much as you want. The ready made templates provided by Blogger look professional and when you add pictures (this is real easy) you have an excellent product selling site.

Blogging can be useful for people to leave real life experiences of their association with your products and this can be to your advantage. When other people view your blog and they can see favourable comments about your services, this can lead to further business. In fact people can set up their own blog and comment and compare your product with similar products. This is very handy for the consumer when making his mind up on what to buy. You can also do the same with your own product and give a true and honest opinion on your services or product against your competitors.

The most beautiful point about Blogging is it is FREE!! I love things that are free and this can be very important to young business entrepreneurs who are just starting up in business. In fact, Blogging can be a full time business for some companies once they have learn about keywords and Search Engine Optimisation. This can be a very profitable business just on its own as blogs which attract a lot of interest and traffic can be sold on for very large sums.

Having a presence on the internet gives you and you're business massive amounts of credibility. You are seen as an expert in what ever your business is about even if you haven't written the articles yourself. Article writers located at different websites such as can be very reasonable and produce excellent articles for you and your business. This can save you time and effort especially if you are extremely busy setting your business up. Once you have your articles in place and you develop your readership there is a good chance that you can be notified by other businesses in order to place advertising on your blog page. This is a very good earner and makes your blog look even more professional.

So, you have a blog which you are very proud of but how can you get people to visit your pages. Good question and here I hope to provide some of the answers.

1. Email your existing customers with any new offers and direct them to your site. If the people you are emailing do not have an interest in your product, i.e. they are cold you can send a courtesy email with a signature block with your blogsite address attached. This looks very professional and is a good way of directing people to your blog.

2. On your blog page leave a sign in form for the latest information on your services. You can then email your customers without being accused of spamming. Some businesses are using a double opt in to ensure that the person has not been contacted by mistake!

3. By joining approaching other similar businesses and setting up a blog network –A network of blogs can quickly increase your page rankings with Google, Yahoo and MSN. Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject. Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

4. By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today. As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base. Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.

How to Start Your First Money Making Blog

How to Start Your First Money Making Blog
By Max Lloyd

Here you are with questions in your mind:

How do I start blogging?
How do I set up a blogging site?
How to make money blogging?

Starting blogging for money is actually simpler than you might think. Head on to free blog sites such as or and open up a free account. That’s all – you are in a making money blogging business. You don’t have to be technically savvy or even know html, blogging sites are extremely easy to use. Make sure you’ll start writing about subjects you like – gardening, golfing, vacations – whatever is your passion. Writing about your passion or hobby is a good way to get your hands wet, so to speak. You do want to get experience on how to write posts, and see what makes your blog’s visitors to come back and leave comments. Is it a new idea how to arrange garden in backyard, or what makes a powerful golf swing?

Now, how do you start making money with blogs? Writing is fun, but where is money? The easiest way to make money with blogs is to publish advertisements from ad networks such as Google Adsense or Yahoo Publishers Network. What you need to do is to plug their ad code into your blog and, vola, everything else is done automatically. Relevant ads are served by ad networks to your blog and whenever visitor clicks on the ad, you’ll get paid. It’s hard to say how much you’ll get paid per click (it depends on a market you choose), but expect 5 cents and up per click. In very competitive markets, such as beauty, clicks come at a premium price of 25 cents and more.

Important thing to consider before you’ll decide to make money blogging is whether you want to use free blogging services or open a web hosing account and host your blogs there. My recommendation is to host blogs on your own hosting account. That way you have more control over blogs and you don’t have to think about your blog being suddenly dropped out. Yes, it does happen with free services, and it may take a long time to restore your blog business. Additionally, you are limited to what you can do with your blogs while using free hosting such as That’s why I definitely recommend going with paid web hosting and having a complete control over your money making blogs. Your business should be in your hands.

Make Profit From Blogging

Quick Blogging - 5 Ways To Make More Profit With Blogging
By Sean Ray

There are a lot of people these days that have discovered the joys of blogging. They love to write their opinion and share information, and they love the fact that others read it. There are also an increasing number of bloggers who have discovered that they can make money on their blogs. If you have a blog or want to start one, here are 5 ways to make a quick blogging profit.

1. The first step that every beginning blogger should take is to sell advertising. This is the most common way to make income. For lesser known blogs, Google Adsense or BlogAds provide advertising programs. These programs pay you on how many clicks to the advertisers they generate.

2. Affiliate programs. These allow your blog to connect your readers with other sites that offer goods and services. Bloggers are usually paid based on purchases made.

3. Another option to make quick blogging money is to solicit contributions. Basically, this means asking your readers to support your blog. Paypal is often the easiest way to arrange such transactions.

4. For those who discuss topics that relate to their business, blogs offer a great opportunity to market your own services. The best way to do that is working in quick blogging references to what you do and the service or goods you offer.

5. Blogs can also be used to expand on current customer relationships. They can inform readers on what your business offers and help them determine how you can help them.

There are more ways to make a quick blogging profit, but these are tried and true.

Make Money Blogging

Make Money From Blogging

Atomic Blogging

Atomic Blogging

Atomic Blogging

Atomic Blogging

Simple Cash Blog

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